Wednesday, March 25, 2015

I ate worms!

Chuntacuru is a type of grub worm that is found on a chunta plant.  Chuntacuru is a Quechua word.  That is the language of the Native Americans in Ecuador.  We went to a small town in Amazonia called Sapo Rumi.  We stayed with a family who are friends of ours and they cooked breakfast and lunch for us, and for dinner we had chuntacuru.  Native Americans that live in the Amazonia jungle eat chuntacuru for protein. 

Our friends loaned us rain boots so we could walk in the river to see an old petroglyph from more than 600 years ago.  A petroglyph is a story carved onto a rock with symbols. 

We also played some soccer.

More Spanish School

I just finished another week of Spanish school at Raices Spanish School in Baños de Agua Santa, Ecuador.  The name of my teacher was Cati and she taught me songs, how to conjugate verbs and the gerund. 

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Full Moon Party

In Ecuador we went to a full moon party.  There was drumming, music, dancing, juggling and fire juggling, unicycles and fire dancing.  The party was at the same place we are volunteering at, called La Biblioteca at Arte del Mundo.

This week we have been working at Arte del Mundo.  I did some mopping, sweeping, sorting books, preparing art projects, and reading with the kids.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Fruits and Foods in Ecuador

Here in Ecuador I have tried many types of fruits that I never had before.  Some of my favorite fruits here are: Granadilla, Maracuyá, Guanabana and Babaco.  And one of my favorite fruit juices is from "tomate de árbol" which means tree tomato.   This photo is of a fruit salad that I made for my lunch out of granadilla, banana and papaya.

Here is another food that is popular in Ecuador.  It is called Cuy, but the English name for it is Guinea pig.  In this photo I am crying because I don't like seeing their faces on the grill.  I have not eaten any Cuy.